Why come back to this harsh world? After all, has anyone ever said anything good about life? Everyone says life is terrible, awful, why would I want to come back to this?

And especially when a wonderful world awaits us in Heaven! Joy and happiness for ever and ever!

No one mentions any work being done, no one even asks! Apparently, God is some kind of Sugar Daddy, happy to keep billions of people in cozy comfort for eternity while they sit and shamelessly sponge off him!

So why leave all that and come back? Why not stay in Heaven, sit back, and enjoy the easy good life?

Well, while we are at it, why not quit our lousy low paying jobs, tell off our mean boss, take the millions that are being given away, sit back and enjoy the easy good life?

I am sure you are going, “wait a minute! What’s that about those millions that are being given away? Who does that? What crazy fool is giving away millions so that I can live the good life?”

Exactly! Now you know why we must come back.

God is no fool either! No being is letting people just sit around idle, lazy, in a useless existence, shamelessly sponging off him for eternity!

Heaven is a myth, a fantasy kept alive by the silence of so many – the followers, the media, the intellectuals, giving in to greed for the easy lazy life promised.

First of all, God made this world for us, Life is a Gift from God, God also made some rules that, not just us, but all creatures on earth must obey! We get to stay helpless children for only a little while, then once grown up, we have to leave the nest – the story of Adam – leaving a nice comfortable home where everything was done for us and stepping into the unknown, into a cold harsh world that we have to face on our own

But we humans have it lucky – we stay at home for almost 2 decades when most animals get barely a year, if they are lucky, before their parents kick them out of the nest. And the world most animals venture into is much, much harsher! They must learn how to hunt, gather food, and of course stay out of the predator’s eye. We do not have to worry about the latter, but we do have to find honest work, make a living, pay for what we eat, where we live.

And here we understand another golden rule of God – nothing in life is FREE! No one GIVES us anything! We want something, EARN it! Work hard, sacrifice, sweat, toil and tears, deal with setbacks and with a bit of luck, we will succeed!

In fact, taking something without paying for it is considered wrong, immoral! If someone says, “Your daughter did not earn that promotion, she got it because she had a “relationship” with the boss” that would be deemed as an insult, and fists would fly!

On TV, we see so many sports stars proudly displaying their medals or trophies and proudly saying, “nothing was Given to me/us, everything was earned!”

Right off the bat, religions say Heaven is not earned, it is GIVEN! Given to those who blindly believe and support these Gods. Amazingly no one asks why is God so hung up on belief, support? Like a King, Dictator? We can understand a dictator like Putin, Kim Jong Un rewarding only those who believe and support them. With enemies everywhere, these supporters are crucial to their staying in power. Morals, values, who they are as people does not matter – they could be pure scum as far as human beings go, but the dictator does not care – there is only one thing a Dictator cares about – keeping power and so “are these people loyal to me?” And those that are loyal are rewarded handsomely!

And those that are suspected of disloyalty are a threat, to be hunted down relentlessly! And it is these supporters who will do these dirty jobs – supporters of Putin, Kim Jong Un have raped, tortured, and killed so many who were deemed a threat to their cushy rich life! After all, as long as this brutal dictator stays in power, the good life will continue and those who are deemed a threat to him are also a threat to their good, rich lazy life.

And we see the same thing in religion! These Putin Gods reward only those who believe and support them. And all these believers, blind supporters of these Gods, have killed! Oh boy, have they raped, tortured, and killed so many deemed a threat to their Gods and the promise of the good life in Heaven! And in countries like Pakistan, blasphemy laws are used to continue to kill anyone deemed a threat to these Putin Gods! Atheists live in fear in many countries around the globe.

And to our utter shame, these are the top two religions of the day!

The ability of religion to brainwash even the best of minds is amazing! To make them willing Nazis, ready to kill anyone deemed a threat to their Gods and the easy lazy life in Heaven that they offer, is amazing!

And to think these religions rose out of simple, primitive minds – Ancient people living under Kings, Dictators used them as a template for God – hence we get all the – “Get down on our knees, beg, grovel, blindly obey, sing only his praises” – etc.

But life was different back then – these were not democratic times – Kings, Dictators ruled with an iron fist – with enemies everywhere these men demanded obedience and loyalty to them and them alone and rewarded/punished accordingly.

That was the life back then and these simple, primitive people without much knowledge of the world around them envisioned an afterlife that was similar to the real world that they lived in – a King, Dictator like God sitting on his Throne in the Heavens, Heaven is his Kingdom and only those who believe and support him are allowed in and live the good life. The rest are denied entrance and suffer!

Simple ideas of the afterlife from simple, primitive people

But what is astonishing and frightening is to see TODAY’S best and brightest and even of the past blindly following these primitive notions of God and the afterlife!

God reduced to a Putin, a Kim Jong Un!

And the supporters of these brutal dictators – yes-men, sycophants, leeches, prostitutes, gigolos, freeloaders selling their souls in exchange for a rich, cozy life.

Religion has reduced the followers of these Gods down to such scum level!

And even the best of minds does not have a clue! Simply amazing!

But greed, greed for the easy lazy life promised seems to blind even the best of minds.

The lack of questions, the lack of curiosity terrifies me – for example – why? Why is the al-mighty God who created ALL of us, this huge universe, galaxies, and planets, so concerned with religion? Pushing “his” religion? Dividing people by religion, rewarding the few, abusing the rest?

But once we realize that these are just Kings, Dictators like Putin, elevated to the sky, we get it.

The big question that totally stumps religious heads is – WHAT DOES ONE DO IN HEAVEN?

DO as in, what work? Work as in what we do to put food on the table, a roof over our heads, pay for our necessities, vacations, clothes, cars, health care etc. Work as in EARNING a paycheck.

Guess what? Religious people have no clue – I get back “We will be working hard”, “there will be lots to do, don’t worry”, “You won’t be bored(that’s not what the question was about), don’t worry” and my personal favorite “the work you will be doing will be so fulfilling, far more than anything you have ever done in your life” – Great! What is it? Details, Please.

And they run away! Every time!

The devil is in the details and that is a problem. The problem is obvious – What work does an al-mighty God who created this huge universe needs to get done? And that too needs our help? To say he is running factories making products, banks giving away loans, constructing infrastructure etc. is too silly. Also, it says we are back on earth.

We end up with BILLIONS of people in an idle, lazy, useless, shameless, uncaring freeloader existence for eternity!

God’s Grand Plan? What?

Uncaring because – how many times have you seen or heard the “journalist” ask whether we will be seeing all our DEAD loved ones again? Countless! And how many times have you seen or heard this same “journalist” ask what about our LIVING loved ones? Without their bread winner, a la George Bailey of the “It’s a wonderful Life” fame, the family will be destitute. Thrown out of their home, homeless, the little-educated wife struggling to put food on the table, maybe forced to turn to prostitution, kids going to bed hungry! And the likes of George Bailey are having a fun time in Heaven?

Or what about countries that are currently at war? How many have paid the price? And the innocent victims of such wars, women especially, pay a heavy price. They could be facing rape, torture & their dead husbands, sons are enjoying the good life in Heaven?

Callous, much?

Shameless Freeloader because – well, it is obvious is it not? No work to do, just sit around doing nothing, shamelessly living off God, sponging off God!


How is it kept up then? Greed, Greed, Greed! The fear that death is the end, nothing more, being exploited by religions and eager followers drooling over the fantasy Ponzi-scheme called Heaven!

And like all Ponzi schemes they fall apart when pressed for details!

And here is the frightening part – the followers do not ask any questions, neither does the media, the so-called intellectuals, the moral, those who “study” religions and the Philosophers!

The silence of so many keeps the Ponzi-scheme of Heaven going!

The big question that totally stumps religious heads is – WHAT DOES ONE DO IN HEAVEN?

DO as in, what work? Work as in what we do to put food on the table, a roof over our heads, pay for our necessities, vacations, clothes, cars, health care etc. Work as in EARNING a paycheck.

Guess what? Religious people have no clue – I get back “We will be working hard”, “there will be lots to do, don’t worry”, “You won’t be bored(that’s not what the question was about), don’t worry” and my personal favorite “the work you will be doing will be so fulfilling, far more than anything you have ever done in your life” – Great! What is it? Details, Please.

And they run away! Every time!

The devil is in the details and that is a problem. The problem is obvious – What work does an al-mighty God who created this huge universe needs to get done? And that too needs our help? To say he is running factories making products, banks giving away loans, constructing infrastructure etc. is too silly. Also, it says we are back on earth.

We end up with BILLIONS of people in an idle, lazy, useless, shameless, uncaring freeloader existence for eternity!

God’s Grand Plan? What?

Uncaring because – how many times have you seen or heard the “journalist” ask whether we will be seeing all our DEAD loved ones again? Countless! And how many times have you seen or heard this same “journalist” ask what about our LIVING loved ones? Without their bread winner, a la George Bailey of the “It’s a wonderful Life” fame, the family will be destitute. Thrown out of their home, homeless, the little-educated wife struggling to put food on the table, maybe forced to turn to prostitution, kids going to bed hungry! And the likes of George Bailey are having a fun time in Heaven?

Or what about countries that are currently at war? How many have paid the price? And the innocent victims of such wars, women especially, pay a heavy price. They could be facing rape, torture & their dead husbands, sons are enjoying the good life in Heaven?

Callous, much?

Shameless Freeloader because – well, it is obvious is it not? No work to do, just sit around doing nothing, shamelessly living off God, sponging off God!


How is it kept up then? Greed, Greed, Greed! The fear that death is the end, nothing more, being exploited by religions and eager followers drooling over the fantasy Ponzi-scheme called Heaven!

And like all Ponzi schemes they fall apart when pressed for details!

And here is the frightening part – the followers do not ask any questions, neither does the media, the so-called intellectuals, the moral, those who “study” religions and the Philosophers!

The silence of so many keeps the Ponzi-scheme of Heaven going!

These people are ignoring the laws that God made for us – that we must EARN an honest living, we should not beg, not be shameless freeloaders, sycophants, once we are Adults should not expect to be KEPT by Sugar Daddies

And when they ignore God’s laws – they pay a price!

HEAVEN COMES WITH A COST! And what a cost!

Reincarnation is asking us to choose Life – REAL LIFE – the life that God created for us.

And best of all – we get to be with God!