Why come back to this harsh world? Why not just stay in Heaven, sit back and enjoy the easy good life?
While we are at it, why not quit our lousy jobs, take the millions that are being given away, sit back and enjoy the easy good life?
Quit our jobs, run back home to mommy, our parents will be soooo thrilled to have us back, sit in our old rooms, watch TV or play video games all day and obviously our parents will be so happy to cater to us, keep us in comfort! Obviously, I am being sarcastic!
Now you know why we must come back
Life is harsh, but hoping to run away & hide in a fantasy is not the answer
We return because, sorry guys, this IS the ONLY game in town! THIS IS IT!
There is only ONE WORLD, This one! If you want life, here it is!
One can build castles and mansions in the air, but one can live only in the REAL WORLD!